Recalculating Truth



At this moment - May, 2023 - in American history, our world seems to be filled with lies and “fake news”. It would be a wonderful thing if there was a machine that could prove what was true and what was false. This book was written in 2014. It is even more pertinent today.

Can the truth be found through physical torture or are there more humane, technological approaches?  Returning from the heat and sweat of Guantanamo, Gus Sainte pulls together a team of scientists to create a device that will read and combine human body tells - in their voice, in their expressions, in their non-verbal communications, and in their statements - to reveal the truth.  As his system, his company, and his life develop, he doesn't always find what he expects particularly in the person of a beautiful former exchange student from Kuwait who mysteriously returns to his life.

If you are interested in the research into the four distinct technologies that went into the development of the quadrangulation technique in this story, if you click on this LINK it will take you there and subscribe you to my bi-weekly newsletter - an interesting blend of words, writers, and writing with just a touch of building technology for spice.